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K&A Towing & Recovery Reviews

When it comes to towing services in Sussex County and Northern New Jersey, K&A Towing & Recovery stands head and shoulders above the rest. Our towing reviews are a testament to our relentless commitment to providing the highest quality service to our valued clients. As a family-owned business with a rich history spanning over a decade, we pride ourselves on our expertise, professionalism, and dedication to meeting our clients’ needs.

Customer Reviews About Our Towing Services & More

He had amazing service and old fashion good neighbor values; he called immediately after USAA assigned him, knew the Camp Lejeune area like he was an AI bot, and ensured I was safe and able to get to work. I left my truck on the side of the road and headed to work. Ken took it from there and even coached me through honest repair places in the area.

James Armagost

I’m taking the time to write and express my thanks and gratitude for your “old school” ethics on how you train and expect your employees to treat your customers with respect & couresty. Being in business for myself for 40+ years I fully understand the value of good employees. It was refreshing dealing with Ryan he not only represented K & A with enthusiasm but his mannerisms in dealing with the customer was exemplary. Hats off and kudos to Ryan and your entire organization.

Kelly Lally

Through AAA. Can't remember the drivers name but he was awesome. Got to me in a about 15mins loaded car let me ride with him to the shop. Unloaded into the bay. 10/10 great service very polite.

Charlie DeFranza

Through AAA, Ray came to our aid within 10 minutes of our call. He was very courteous, wore a mask and did a great job for us. Highly recommend.

Mary O'Leary Rice

Thankful for Ray T who saved the day!!! My axel broke and being a girl who knows nothing about cars it was a very scary and stressful situation. Ray was very nice and personable and made the situation 10x better! Thank you for your service very pleased!

Amber Craven

Ray arrived promptly, was very friendly and professional, and did an exceptional job. Thanks, Ray!

Bob Giovinazzo

Exceptional service.... fast response time and driver Billy was extremely friendly & polite!! Thank you so much for your help, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!

Christal Wunder

Thank you so much for rescuing our truck from the ditch. your fast response and service was very much appreciated. especially during these times.

Vanessa M McDonald

Call Us Today for More Information

When you’re stuck on the side of the road or need to schedule a towing service, remember K&A Towing & Recovery is always ready to come to your rescue. Our team of experienced professionals is just a phone call away, ready to provide you with the high-quality service you deserve. Don’t just take our word for it. Check out our towing reviews and see why we’re the best choice for towing services in Sussex County & Northern New Jersey. Call us today and experience the K&A difference for yourself!

Towing New Jersey for Over 20 Years