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Impounds & Motor Vehicle Accidents

In the event your vehicle has been impounded by a police department or involved in a motor vehicle accident and towed to our facility, here are some guidelines on what information you need to bring so we can release the vehicle.

car being loaded on flatbed tow truck

What You Need to Bring to Get Your Vehicle Out of Impound

Retrieving impounded vehicles can be complex, but K&A Towing & Recovery is committed to making it as smooth as possible for you. There are a few essential items you need to bring with you to get your vehicle out of impound:

  • A valid driver’s license or government-issued photo ID (such as a passport, state-issued ID, or military ID) is required.
  • Proof of ownership of the vehicle (this could be a title, bill of sale, or insurance card).
  • A copy of the release form from the police department stating the vehicle can be removed from the impound.
  • All fees are to be paid by Cash / MasterCard / AmEx / Visa
  • If vehicle was involved in a motor vehicle accident and you’re going through your insurance company, please let us know who your insurance is and if you have the claim number for the incident – makes everything on our end a little easier!

Contact K&A Towing & Recovery

Towing New Jersey for Over 20 Years