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Become Part of Our Team

Are you interested in becoming a part of the K&A Towing team? Download an application below and bring it to our office during office hours, Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Please bring your Driver’s License, Medical Card (if you have one), and a copy of your resume with 3 references.

We are currently looking to fill the following positions:

  • ​Light Service Driver
    • Job Duties: Battery Service, Jump Starts, Lockouts, Tire Changes. Experience preferred, but willing to train the right candidate! Must have clean DL!​
  • Flat Bed Driver
    • Job Duties: Towing, light service calls when needed: jump starts, tire changes, lockouts. Experience preferred, but willing to train right candidate. Must have clean DL!

Towing New Jersey for Over 20 Years