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Heavy Transport Services in Northern New Jersey

Demand for reliable heavy transport services is rising in Sussex County and Northern New Jersey. At K&A Towing & Recovery, we offer comprehensive and professional transportation for all types of heavy machinery and vehicles. Our services range from construction equipment to large trucks, ensuring each job is handled with care and precision. With over 25 years of combined experience, our father-and-son team ensures safe and efficient towing, even in challenging situations. We pride ourselves on prompt response times, advanced equipment, and customer satisfaction, making us the go-to choice for heavy transport in the region. Whether it’s routine transport or emergency recovery, trust K&A Towing & Recovery to get the job done right.

shed on tow truck

Professional Heavy Transport Services

When it comes to heavy transport, it’s essential to entrust your needs to professionals. Heavy machinery and vehicles require special handling and care to ensure safety during transport. At K&A, we have the expertise and equipment to handle all types of heavy transport tasks, from towing a large truck to moving heavy machinery with our 35-ton Land-Doll and Low Boy. Our team is trained to handle your cargo professionally, and we take every precaution to avoid any potential damage during transport.

  • Compressors
  • Generators
  • Construction Equipment
  • Large Machinery
  • Forklifts
  • Fire Trucks
  • Emergency Vehicles
  • Heavy Trucks
  • Backhoes/Loaders
  • Paving Equipment
  • Road Graders
  • Dozers/Excavators
  • Scissor Lifts
  • Wheel Scrapers

Benefits of Choosing K&A Towing & Recovery for Heavy Transport

Choosing K&A for your heavy transport needs comes with many advantages:

24/7 Availability

We provide 24/7 Auto & Truck Towing services, ready to meet your heavy transport needs at any time of the day or night.

Experience and Expertise

With over 25 years of combined experience in the towing industry, our team has the knowledge and skills to handle any heavy transport task, whether big or small.

Comprehensive Fleet

Our comprehensive vehicle fleet includes specialized equipment capable of handling different types of heavy transport.

Local Presence

As a local business, we understand the specific needs and challenges of Sussex County and Northern New Jersey. We are committed to serving our local community with the best in heavy transport services.

semi being towed

Call K&A Towing & Recovery for Your Heavy Transport Needs

If you need heavy transport services in Sussex County or Northern New Jersey, don’t hesitate to call K&A Towing & Recovery. Whether you’re stuck on the side of the road or need to schedule a service, our team is ready to assist. Trust in our expertise, reliability, and dedication to customer service. Contact us today to discuss your heavy transport needs.

Towing New Jersey for Over 20 Years