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Heavy-Duty Towing in Sussex County & Northern New Jersey

When a large vehicle or machinery breaks down in Sussex County and Northern New Jersey, K&A Towing & Recovery‘s heavy-duty towing services help. With over a decade of experience in the towing industry, we have the expertise and equipment to handle even the most challenging towing tasks. As a family-owned and operated business, we value honesty, integrity, and top-notch customer service. We’re ready to serve you 24/7 whenever the need arises.

semi being towed

Heavy-Duty Recovery & Transport

Heavy recovery and transport involve relocating large vehicles like semi-trucks, buses, and construction equipment. At K&A Towing & Recovery, we excel in these services, offering specialized transport for heavy machinery with our 35-ton Land-Doll and low boy. Our versatile heavy-duty fleet features superior stabilizing technology, commanding rotation, unmatched pulling capacity, and immense power. They provide enormous load capacity and can quickly clear accident scenes within tight spaces, often needing only a single lane. Our highly trained team can handle jobs of any size, ensuring your equipment or vehicle arrives safely and promptly. Whether you need to recover a large vehicle or transport heavy machinery like AC units, we have the expertise and tools to get the job done right.

  • Wreckmaster 4/5 Certified
  • Lowboy Trailer Service
  • Landoll Service
  • 24/7 Heavy Duty Towing
  • Emergency Towing
  • Full Rotator & Wrecker Services
  • Tractor Trailer Towing
  • Dump Truck Towing
  • Farm Equipment Towing
  • Bus Towing
  • Tanker Truck Towing
  • Fire Engine Towing

Benefits of Working With a Professional Towing Company

Choosing to work with a professional towing company like K&A Towing & Recovery offers numerous advantages that go beyond just moving your vehicle or machinery from one place to another. From ensuring safety and minimizing downtime to providing peace of mind, our comprehensive services are designed to meet a variety of needs efficiently and effectively. Here are some of the key benefits you can expect when you opt for our professional towing and recovery services:

Wreckmaster 4/5 Certified
Lowboy Trailer Service
Landoll Service
24/7 Heavy Duty & Emergency Towing
Tractor Trailer Towing
Dump Truck Towing
Farm Equipment
Full Rotator & Wrecker Services

Call K&A Towing & Recovery Today

If you’re stranded on the side of the road, don’t panic. K&A Towing & Recovery is here to help with our heavy-duty towing services. We also offer emergency roadside assistance and scheduled services to make your life easier. Trust us to take care of your vehicle as if it were ours. Call us today to experience the difference of working with a professional, family-owned towing company in Sussex County & Northern New Jersey.

Towing New Jersey for Over 20 Years