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Trust K&A Towing & Recovery to Move Your Vehicles

24/7 Auto & Truck Towing
Medium Duty Towing
Heavy Duty Towing
Lockout Battery Service
Heavy Transport
Machine Relocation

Towing Services in Sussex County & Northern New Jersey

K&A Towing & Recovery is a household name for reliable and professional towing services in Sussex County and Northern New Jersey. For years, our dedicated team has provided unmatched service to our community, always being a phone call away in times of need. Our reputation has been built on a solid foundation of integrity, quality, and commitment to excellent service. We pride ourselves in being more than just a towing company; we are a partner you can trust when the unexpected happens.

tow truck

A History Rooted in Service

We’re more than just a business; it’s a part of the Sussex County community. Since our inception, we’ve been committed to providing top-tier towing services to our friends and neighbors. Our rich history is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality service and customer satisfaction. Our journey began with a simple mission: to provide our community with reliable, professional, and friendly towing services. Over the years, we have grown, but our commitment to our mission has remained steadfast. We are proud to have helped countless community members in their times of need.

We’re Here For You

Nothing is more important to us than the peace of mind of our customers. Whether you need help on the side of the road in an emergency or want to schedule our services, we’re here for you. Trust us for all your towing needs in Sussex County and Northern New Jersey. Remember, we’re just a phone call away when you’re in need. When the unexpected happens, take your time. Trust our pros to be there for you when you need us most. Call us now to schedule your service or to get help in an emergency. With K&A Towing & Recovery, you’re never alone on the road.

Client Reviews

K&A Towing & Recovery

Serving all of Sussex County & Northern New Jersey


Hours of Operation
Available 24/7